Do Ex-girlfriends Matter In a Presidential Election?

by author on August 24, 2012

Now that almost every rock has been overturned in this presidential election it’s time to turn to the candidate’s ex-girlfriends. Does a peek at one’s ex-girlfriends really influence a person in one of the highest offices in the land? You be the judge.

Paul Ryan’s black ex-girlfriend: What does it mean to Election 2012?

Presumptive VP nominee Paul Ryan’s 2005 comment that he once dated a black woman has prompted discussion about whether that fact changes views of his character and policy.

By Staff writer / August 23, 2012

Paul Ryan

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr



Presumptive vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan’s recently unearthed comment from 2005 that he had a black girlfriend in college has put a new twist in the race for the White House, inviting comparisons with recent revelations about how President Obama has portrayed the importance of his own interracial dating years ago.
To be sure, to many Americans, Congressman Ryan’s college dating life is a nonstory, just as it was in Mr. Obama’s case. But given that Ryan’s policies are portrayed by some as being detrimental to the African-American community, the report could color impressions of his character and the proposals he espouses….More at Paul Ryan’s black ex-girlfriend: What does it mean to Election 2012? – Christian Science Monitor

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