Herman Cain’s Mission

by author on August 25, 2012

Herman Cain is out to educate the country about “the ABC’s: American Black Conservatives.

Herman Cain Gives a Fiery Speech to Tea Party Rally in Tampa


Herman CainImage by Gage Skidmorevia FlickrTAMPA, Fla. – Far from the official convention grounds, at an alternate unity rally in a church made up mostly of Tea Party supporters, the former presidential hopeful Herman Cain gave a keynote speech to a roaring crowd of several hundred, explaining why he had come to Florida: “I’m still on a mission to defeat Barack Obama!”

In recent months, Mr. Cain, a former Republican presidential contender, has been quietly promoting the tax plan that was the centerpiece of his platform, a simplified code that he called 9-9-9. He quit the race earlier this year after accusations of sexual harassment eclipsed his message and caused his campaign operation to implode….More at Herman Cain Gives a Fiery Speech to Tea Party Rally in Tampa – New York Times (blog)

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